Thursday, January 27, 2011

Secrets of Great Researchers - The Lazy Debater's Guide to Research (Part 4)

     Now you’re asking yourself, “What about later in the year when I need to find something specific?”  Well, I’m guessing that if you follow this process for any length of time you already know what to do, but let me tell you just in case you’re a lazy debater who didn’t follow the previous instructions.  First, decide what you need it to say.  Then, use the key words from that argument and place them in your search query.  Third, play around with the statement and look at think tanks that hold a paradigm friendly to the argument you are trying to make.  Finally, if you still can’t find it, or if you want even stronger arguments, go and talk with the reference librarian.

     Research can be a difficult part of any activity.  While students in debate should know how to research, many for whatever reason, do not have research abilities to match their debating abilities.  Following these simple steps is one way I have found to develop a good foundation and then to build upon that foundation.  If debaters will take the time to learn the skills of research, they will not dread research but will be able to utilize their limited time to produce the research they need and win the argument.

For basic research instruction see our youtube channel, specifically the lecture on research/evidence basics. For links to studies and articles on the current NCFCA/STOA policy resolution and NFL/NCFL/UDL LD resolution follow us on twitter  

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