Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Secrets of Great Researchers - Lazy Debater's Guide to Research (part 3)

     At the library there are three resources you can take advantage of.  First, go to the library catalog and search for the keywords you have found.  Find some books on the topic and skim them.  If the book seems to be good, look at the bibliography.  This allows you to benefit from the research the author already did for you!  Second, find one of the computers in the library which has databases on it.  These research databases contain hundreds of thousands of articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers and are fully searchable.  Again, look at the references and bibliography in these sources.  You never know what great article you might overlook if you neglect to read the research someone else already found.  Finally, go and talk with the reference librarian.  Yes, you have to put your communication skills into practice outside of tournaments, I’m sorry, it’s true.  Ask the librarian to help you find sources which make specific arguments.  Often the reference librarians will do research for you!!  I suggest approaching them last at the library because they can help you expand the research you already have.  While they could be helpful from the beginning, they will probably only get the really easy stuff at first.  If you already have that, they will help you dig deeper!

     Now you are in for the best part of this whole process.  After reading hundreds of articles, skimming bunches of books, and spending a short eternity staring at computer screens and printouts you will have knowledge about your topic that puts you head and shoulders above your peers.  This knowledge forms the basis for your debate season.  Are you finished?  Not really.  But now you know where the holes in your information are and you know where to look to find them.

For basic research instruction see our youtube channel, specifically the lecture on research/evidence basics. For links to studies and articles on the current NCFCA/STOA policy resolution and NFL/NCFL/UDL LD resolution follow us on twitter 

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